Sustainability Newsletter – January 2025

Newsletter about celebrations and upcoming events

The Business of $ustainability

1-Day Seminar for Upper School Students

Friday, January 17, 2025

Apply here. Deadline is January 8.

Why is sustainability such a center of innovation and entrepreneurship? How do people make money in this field? How are carbon emissions calculated, and how do organizations like DA try to reduce them? These topics and more will be addressed in this special, one-day learning experience that is open to all Upper School students. There will be particular attention to offsets: does paying to plant trees or develop renewable energy systems legitimately reduce a business’s carbon emissions?

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In this season of giving thanks, I would like to express gratitude to many people in the DA community.

I’m personally grateful to those who pass me in cars when I’m riding my bike on Pickett Rd. I hear lots of people say how dangerous it is to ride there, but in fact, I rarely have even a mildly annoying experience. Thanks to everyone who gives me space on the road!

Professionally, I believe Sustainability offers hope for the future, but it requires change in the present. That’s not always a welcome ask in the midst of our fast-paced everyday activities in school, yet the support is overwhelming.

Upper School students and faculty members at pep rally

Here are some of the many people I’m grateful to:

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Students Speak at Public Hearing about Development on Pickett Road

By Evan Register ’25 and Angus Cook ’25

Editor’s Note: The authors made a statement at the November 12 Planning Commission hearing about a proposed apartment complex across Pickett Road from Durham Academy Upper School. Also speaking for DA were Adam Braude, CFOO; Marty Walkowe, Associate Director of Security; Andrea Caruso, Environmental Science Teacher and Upper School Sustainability Leader; and Tina Bessias, Sustainability Coordinator. Members of the public, including neighbors and wildlife enthusiasts, also spoke at the hearing. The Planning Commission voted 8-2 against the proposal. The City Council will hold its own hearing and make the final decision early in 2025.

It was an honor to be asked by Middle School Cross Country Coach Hall to speak at the City Hall meeting. Sandy Creek means a lot to us and we know that the trail has had a lasting impact on countless Durham Academy runners in past years. Sandy Creek trail is the most important trail for the cross country and distance track teams, both of whom use it in the summer, fall, winter, and spring. It’s an incredible privilege to have Sandy Creek right at our fingertips. We run on it nearly every day, and have a new appreciation for it after almost losing it to development plans. 

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The Lower School Gym in a New Light

Today, there is an electrician named Luis Ossa working in a lift to remove giant antique light bulbs– 400 watt metal halide lamps–from the ceiling of the Lower School Gym. He is working in the dark to replace those lights with modern, efficient LEDs. And while he’s up there, he’s clearing out volleyballs and other items long stuck between beams.

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Newsletter: DA Sustainability News

A number of people have expressed a desire for more information about what’s happening with sustainability at DA and in the surrounding community. Diane Daly is answering the call with this first edition of our newsletter. She is a Lower School science teacher and Sustainability Leadership Team member.

Repelling an Invasion

Group of students, parents, & faculty on beautiful day in forest

On September 21, 2024, the Upper School Sustainability Committee waged its second attack on Tree of Heaven in some forested property that the school owns on the west side of Ridge Rd. This effort was the continuation of an invasive species removal event that took place last fall. Our target, Tree of Heaven, is native to China but has grown rapidly in the U.S. It shades out native trees and disrupts ecosystems. Its most distinct feature is its smell: when the bark is wounded it releases an odor akin to that of rotting peanut butter. 

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Faculty & Staff Focus on Sustainability

Every year, when faculty and staff assemble for opening meetings, we come with varying degrees of readiness but generally high hopes for the school year. Amid grand plans, training sessions, and endless details, we devote a day to professional development. This year’s topic, environmental sustainability, grew out of the Board of Trustees’ decision in December, 2023 to endorse the goals that the Sustainability Leadership Team and the Upper School student Sustainability Committee had recommended over the course of several years. Thus Durham Academy formally committed to

  • Educate for sustainability at every level and in every subject
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% from 2022-23 levels
  • Increase biodiversity on our campuses by at least 2 acres

Instead of focusing on that topic for a single day during opening meetings, we did The Week, a series of short films and discussions, over three separate days.

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Conversation Starters

The #1 thing we can do to stop global warming is talk about it!

“Beach reading” May 13, 2024

Most of us don’t talk much about climate change, but doing so is the best way to have a positive impact. If that seems strange, check with the experts: The Natural Resources Defense Council, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, or the Oxford Climate Journalism Network. But even if we want to talk about it, we might wonder how to bring it up. DA 9th graders have suggestions! At the end of the school year, they spent 30 minutes reading a book of their choice on the topic of sustainability (the school library has lots of options). Then they came up with a variety of approaches to conversation.

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Where should I start?

You want to live more sustainably, but everyday life is overwhelming enough without trying to rethink the habits and structures that make it work. So you ask: what’s one meaningful thing I could do? 

9th graders have answers!

In their Living Sustainably class, 9th graders did a quick assessment of their personal eco-footprint (you can do it, too–see this tool). Then they chose a category of emissions to work on and listed some actions that would help. It feels good to take a step toward sustainability! When it becomes routine, you can take another. Let us know in the comments below if you take one of the students’ suggestions.

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