1-Day Seminar for Upper School Students
Friday, January 17, 2025
Apply here. Deadline is January 8.
Why is sustainability such a center of innovation and entrepreneurship? How do people make money in this field? How are carbon emissions calculated, and how do organizations like DA try to reduce them? These topics and more will be addressed in this special, one-day learning experience that is open to all Upper School students. There will be particular attention to offsets: does paying to plant trees or develop renewable energy systems legitimately reduce a business’s carbon emissions?
Mimi Franco and her colleagues at Durham Academy’s carbon accounting firm, GreenPlaces, are among the experts who will lead this day-long exploration of the business of sustainability.
Participating students will be excused from classes for the day to explore these topics together. The seminar will close with delivery of recommendations to the school administration about how we can efficiently meet our goal to reduce emissions 25% within four years.
This seminar is part of the DA Upper School Seminar Program, which offers:
- Practical, interactive, out-of-the-box learning for students in grades 9-12
- Access to experts on topics outside regular curriculum
- Pursuit of personal interest without pressure of grades
- Product that is useful to school and/or wider community
Can 9th and 10th graders apply?
Yes. We reserve seats for members of every class because diversity of ages is considered a positive.
Do I have to make up work from regular classes?
This is an official school program, so your teachers will work with you on a plan to catch up on essential elements of regular courses. It’s pretty much like missing a day for illness, athletics, debate, etc.