Category: Biodiversity

Students Speak at Public Hearing about Development on Pickett Road

Students address Durham Planning Commission

By Evan Register ’25 and Angus Cook ’25 Editor’s Note: The authors made a statement at the November 12 Planning Commission hearing about a proposed apartment complex across Pickett Road from Durham Academy Upper School. Also speaking for DA were Adam Braude, CFOO; Marty Walkowe, Associate Director of Security; Andrea Caruso, Environmental Science Teacher and …

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Repelling an Invasion

On September 21, 2024, the Upper School Sustainability Committee waged its second attack on Tree of Heaven in some forested property that the school owns on the west side of Ridge Rd. This effort was the continuation of an invasive species removal event that took place last fall. Our target, Tree of Heaven, is native …

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Attack on Tree of Heaven

Students and parents attack Tree of Heaven

On October 1st, DA sustainability committee members, DA faculty members, parents, and experts came together to fight a common enemy: Tree of Heaven. It’s an invasive species from China that is spreading in east coast forests at an alarming rate. Another reason this tree is a problem is that it harbors the spotted lantern fly, …

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Biodiversity and Undeveloped Land

Student measuring tree trunk

By Paul Wang and Merritt Schulz Why does Biodiversity matter? What is it?  Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our local environment. Biodiversity matters to us. We are all interconnected. A single species interacts with …

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